Legal Notes
1. APPLICABLE LAW PROVISIONS. The services illustrated in this brochure are subject to the General Terms and Conditions hereinafter quoted and to the following provisions of Law: - Law of Regione Veneto, no. 44 of December 30, 1997 – Legislative Decree no. 206 - 2005 – The International Convention on Travel Contracts (hereinafter CCV) (Brussels Convention) of April 20, 1970 as ratified by Law no. 1084 of December 27, 1977. The Client by withdrawing the Travel voucher or transportation tickets acknowledges to have received copy of the brochure with the programs and the General Terms and Conditions thereof.
2. SERVICE ORGANIZATION. The services decribed herein are organized by Very Viva Venice S.r.l., a Travel Agency duly authorized to operate pursuant to licence issued by Provincia di Venezia, with registered office in 30172 Mestre Venezia, via Querini, 100. Very Viva Venice S.r.l. is duly ensured for civil liability with Assicurazioni Generali S.p.a. polizza n° 350506039.
3. PRICES. Prices include: transportation by motor-launch or gondola or coach or deluxe minibus, licensed guide service, entrance fees and V.A.T. Prices do not include: personal extras and all items not specified in the program.
4. CANCELLATION FEES. In the event of cancellation of the booking by the Client, the following cancellation fees shall be applicable:
100% of the total price, for cancellations within three working days before the services begin;
50% of the total price, for cancellations within seven working days before the services begin.
5. CANCELLATION AND CHANGES BY THE TRAVEL AGENCY. The Travel Agency organizing the Tour may, without indemnity, cancel the booking, in whole or in part at any time under the provisions in Article 10 of the CCV with no obligation other than refunding the amount paid by the Client. In cases of circumstances beyond its control such as wars, strikes, political unrest, riots, weather conditions and health hazards the Travel Agency may withhold 5% of the total amount paid towards any administration charges. The Travel Agency shall not be liable for the partial or total closing of the museums and/or archaeological sites or for delays or other inconveniences caused by third parties or due to reasons beyond the Travel Agency’s control, including traffic problems.
6. LUGGAGE. At all times luggage is the sole responsibility of the Client. In no case will the Travel Agency be liable for the loss of valuables or other items left on deposit or on gondolas, motor-launches, coaches, minibus or any other means of transport used.
7. LIABILITY. Very Viva Venice S.r.l. shall be held liable in all functions pertaining to the services in the catalogue. In any case, the maximum liability for Very Viva Venice S.r.l. shall be that established in the Brussels Convention.
8. CONTROVERSIES. Any controversy or claim that cannot be settled amicably between the Client and the Travel Agency shall be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Venetian Courts.